Category: Meditation

Articles, Leadership, Meditation, Mindfulness, Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance – the Great Lie

November 10, 2017, Author: bluesky6478

Work Life Balance This is one of the great Lies of the 21st century; this idea can we can manage and balance the stress of a difficult work environment by creating a comfortable life at home. This idea that we can’t or shouldn’t just work; the idea that we need to find areas in which […]

Meditation, Stress Management, Work Life Balance

Blog with the positive MD

April 15, 2017, Author: bluesky6478

I had a fascinating conversation with an M.D. today around the need to improve the effectiveness of meetings. His challenge is how to improve communication, make meetings more effective, get buy in at meetings and change the pattern whereby decisions are fought against or ignored after meetings. The MD decided to get feedback on the […]