Author Archives: bluesky6478


That unease you’re feeling…. That’s Freedom

May 12, 2020, Author: bluesky6478

  I have spoken to many people who have felt that last week, in particular, was very difficult. That is not surprising as it was in and around the 40 day mark. This is a significant period in many traditions around the world which recognised isolation of 40 day and 40 nights as part of […]


Reset and Renew – The Gold within all this Pain

April 9, 2020, Author: bluesky6478

  Reset Our World Finding the Gold in all this Pain There’s a story told about Carl Jung, the Swiss Psychologist, where he was on Safari in Africa in the 1920s. He had noticed that the local porters took meal and drink breaks but also would stop from time to time with no communication and […]


Managing Our Wellness

March 20, 2020, Author: bluesky6478

  These are undoubtedly difficult times and for many of us facing into unchartered territory can be very unsettling I have been asked how we can manage this uncertainty and the particular pressure we face so I thought I would put together a list of tips It’s a Marathon not a Sprint We need to […]

Articles, Leadership

Embrace Conflict

July 5, 2019, Author: bluesky6478

    Embrace the Conflict It is a feature of Irish society that we do tend to shy away from conflict. Given our history that may not be surprising. We tend to associate conflict with bullying, victimisation and disempowerment. We only seem to be able to view Conflict with a capital C. It is always a […]


Take Your Holidays … You Need Them

July 5, 2019, Author: bluesky6478

Take Your Holidays … You need them I saw a post on LinkedIn recently where a senior leader was advertising that he was taking one week with his children and had turned on out of office, arranged for people to take calls etc. all presented a s a check list. There were many comments congratulating […]


Notre Dame Fire and why it had such a big impact on us

May 3, 2019, Author: bluesky6478

Why Notre Dame fire struck such a chord and what it means for your business. I don’t think there is anyone reading this who will not have seen the pictures of the fire which damaged so much of the Notre Dame Cathedral in recent weeks. More particularly, I would expect that most readers will also […]

Articles, Leadership, Stress Management

The Case for Change

February 22, 2019, Author: bluesky6478

The case for change It is vital that we listen to those who have a different range of experiences, skill sets, aspirations and even values. Too often we see companies recruit to a paradigm and then wondering why they struggle to adapt to changes in the market place, new technologies or opportunities We deal with […]


Who are we Listening to?

February 22, 2019, Author: bluesky6478

Who are we listening to? I am always fascinated when listening to clients and trying to understand who they are listening to? Are they listening to peers, those who developed the business/product with them, or friends and family? Are they listening to those who will agree with them because they share the same world view, […]


Maximising 2019

January 11, 2019, Author: bluesky6478

Maximising 2019 As we enter the New Year and think about the resolutions we have made ( and broken) and the aspirations we have for the New Year it is useful to reflect on some guidelines to maximising 2019, whether in our personal or professional lives It’s Important to be Ruthless   It is not […]


Why are we all so Tired and Stressed?

May 17, 2018, Author: bluesky6478

When I do talks, workshops and group sessions I often check in and ask people how tired they are and how stressed they feel.  I am always struck by how many people will identify that they are tired and how much stress people admit to feeling. These are both clearly big issues for us personally […]